
Psychotherapy consists of utilizing techniques from a variety of models to treat mental health, deeply rooted emotional issues and some psychiatric disorders. Psychotherapy helps the patient better understand his or her feelings and how to manage them. Clinical sessions are designed to assist the patient with identifying his or her positive, anxious, and/or upsetting emotions.The Therapist helps the patient to articulate the triggers that evoke certain negative feelings, what he or she currently does to cope with unpleasant feelings, and if the actions taken actually make him or her feel better. The Therapist and patient then explore the benefit of learning to use more positive strategies to deal with these feelings. As people are more able to identify their feelings and how they process them, they become better at coping with difficult situations in more appropriate ways.
Some people refer to psychotherapy as “talking treatment” because it is generally based on talking to the therapist or group of people with similar problems. Some psychotherapy models also use other forms of communication. These techniques include writing, artwork, drama, narrative story or music. Psychotherapy is commonly used for psychological problems that have had a number of years to evolve and affect personal well-being. Psychotherapy only works when the client or patient (in psychology “client” can mean “patient”) has established a mutually trusting relationship. Treatment can continue for several months or years. Psychotherapy may be practiced on a one-to-one basis, in pairs, or in groups.
Generally, sessions occur about once a week and last about an hour.
• Autism
• Learning Disabilities
• Anger Management
• Child or Adolescent
• Domestic Violence
• Grief
• Women Empowerment
• Peer Relationships
• Self Esteem
• Academic Underachievement
• Bipolar Disorder
• Chronic Impulsivity
• Coping Skills
• Victims of trauma
• Child abuse
• Emotional Disturbance
• Obesity and eating disorder
• Parenting skills
• Relationship Issues
• Trauma and PTSD
- Depression
- Domestic Violence
- Victims of Sexual Abuse
- Children with Special Needs
Psychotherapy often involves the melding of different approaches, techniques and interventions. Sometimes, a combination of different psychotherapy approaches is the most helpful one.There are certain situations when the most effective treatment is one that combines medication with psychotherapy.
The Peace and Wellness Center offers a menu of Psychotherapy services that include: individual, group, couple and family therapy. We prefer utilizing an eclectic treatment approach model that is comprised of Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Play Therapy, and Art Therapy.
Group Therapy
Support Groups
- Family Dynamics Group
- Women's Group
- Support Groups for Parents of Children with Special Needs
- Coping Skills Groups for Children
- Children's Group for Coping with Parental Divorce and/or Loss
Family Dynamics Groups
Family focused groups are designed to improve family dynamics by enhancing communication skills and improving interpersonal relationships, both of which strengthen family dynamics and personal wellbeing. This group is part of a comprehensive family program that works with the entire family. Each family member is simultaneously placed in specialized groups that are divided into women, men and children. We believe that using a three group format better helps family members work on unresolved personal conflicts specific to their gender and age, thus optimizing the overall benefit to personal wellbeing and family dynamics.
Women’s Group
This group is designed to help women bolster their self-esteem by changing distorted thoughts and identifying positive personal traits. The group will emphasize issues related to empowerment, assertiveness, trauma recovery, and positive life changes.
Support Group for Parents of Children with Special Needs
This group is designed to provide emotional support for parents of children with special needs. The series provides strategies to help them cope with the daily demands and stress associated with raising a special needs child. These psycho-educational support groups provide emotional support, guidance, information and referrals to appropriate resources.
Coping Skills Groups for Children
Our Team provides social skills building groups for children who have weak social skills, behavioral issues and low self- esteem. These groups are designed to teach children age appropriate coping skills, communication skills, conflict resolution, and self-control. Children have the opportunity to express their feelings in a nurturing and caring atmosphere.
Children’s Group for Coping with Parental Divorce and/or Loss
This particular children’s group is for children who have experienced divorce or the loss of a parent. The purpose is to provide a safe place to express feelings, to normalize feelings through sharing, to train children in problem solving and coping skills, and to increase self- esteem through mutual help. The group provides activities and strategies that teach children of divorced or deceased parent how to help one another cope with their loss.